Simple Resolutions All Moms Should Make In The New Year

A new year is always a great time to put plans and goals into action. I personally like to make resolutions for different areas of my life, home, business, personal, etc. I wanted to share a few simple resolutions that I think all moms should make in the new year.
Simple Resolutions All Moms Should Make In The New Year - TheDailyAprilnAva

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1. Plan a day or a few days to unplug from social media and the internet. Take this time for extra bonding with your children. There are many things that you can do for yourself during your social media detox, journal, take a yoga class, catch up on your reading or podcasts. You can also use this time to give your children extra special attention, plan a picnic or a trip to the playground, actively listen to your children when they talk, play board games, binge watch Netflix, or enjoy a lazy day.

2. Read a few parenting books this year. I love reading but lately I have only been reading novels. This year, I'd like to squeeze in a few parenting books. The books I'm reading this year are
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will TalkNo Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame, and The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively.

3. Practice peaceful parenting. I like to consider myself to be a gentle/peaceful parent but there is always room for improvement. My little lady is 4 now and is discovering her own voice, having an opinion about everything, and wanting to do the opposite of what I am asking her to do. This can sometimes be frustrating, so I would like to practice responding to my child instead of reacting, reduce my use of the word "no", and overall being more attentive. If you would like peaceful/gentle parenting inspiration, follow along here: Peaceful, Gentle Childhood.

What parenting resolutions are you making for this year? Let me know in the comments below! Until next time.

Simple Resolutions All Moms Should Make In The New Year - TheDailyAprilnAva

April K.
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Planning to Rock the New Year!

The new year is almost here! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by.  I have already started getting things ready and organized to have a more productive and fulfilling year.  I would like to share a few ideas that I'm using create the best year ever!

Planning to Rock The New Year - TheDailyAprilnAva

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Use a planner
 I started using a planner a few years ago and it has really helped me make the most of my time. I write everything in my planner from emails to send, appointments, things to buy, and bills to pay. I can easily keep track of playdates, homeschool meetings, as well as my daughter's extracurricular activities. I have created a line of homeschool and mom planners, perfect for organizing your day!

Set goals and write lists
Writing things down helps with memory. Physically writing down goals instead of typing them out, makes your brain process them as a priority. I have written my goals down in my planner so I can refer to them often and stay on track with accomplishing them. Having a notebook or journal is also crucial to rocking your new year. I like to keep a pretty notebook nearby to jot down thoughts, lists, and anything else that I want to remember.

Create a routine/schedule for your child
 I typically use my planner to keep track of our activities for the week. A planner is great for scheduling playdates, keeping track of events around the city, and even tracking weekly gas prices to drive to all these places! Adding daily planner pages to your planner would help keep track of daily schedules and will help you begin to see your daily and weekly routines.

Stick to a cleaning schedule
  I find it helpful to have small cleaning jobs daily instead of cleaning everything on one day of the week. I have a chart in my planner where I write down daily cleaning tasks for the week and I try to use this chart to clean every week. The time of day used to complete the job doesn't matter, just as long as the job is done that day.

 Plan a day to do nothing!
 Having a well planned life is good but planning a day to do nothing feels amazing. Our usual "do nothing" day is Friday. We may go to the playground this day but for the most part, I forget about the time and go with the flow. It helps to relax from the hustle and bustle of the week.

I am excited to start the new year and I hope that you find these ideas helpful. Let me know how you plan to rock the new year in the comments below!  Until next time.

April K.
Check out my Amazon Store HERE!
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