My Daily SAHM Routine

Ohh the dreaded questions to a stay at home mom, "what do you do all day?" "are you really going to homeschool her and keep her sheltered?" Honestly, before becoming a stay at home mom (SAHM), I didn't know what a SAHM did all day either lol. I wanted to share our daily routine with you just to get an idea of what a SAHM does. Of course no two moms are alike, so routines will vary. But here is our routine! This is a routine for a 3.5 year old who doesn't go to a daycare, PMO, etc and is tot schooling.

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5am till 7am - Me time! Depending on the day I will do some kind of living room workout, yoga, HIIT and  afterwards, take a shower. During this time, I also like to recite and write affirmations, check emails, scroll through social media, journal, and listen to podcasts. I'll also start on breakfast.

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7am till 7:45am - Ava wakes and we do a little bit of homeschool. Calendar time, letters, numbers, and reading. She may color in the kitchen with me while I whip up breakfast.

8am till 9am - Eat breakfast and get dressed. Oatmeal and tofu scramble for the win!

9:30am - Leave the house, if I woke up on time and the morning went smoothly lol. It normally goes smoothly because Ava knows that we most likely have something fun planned for the day.

10am till 12:30pm - Activities like story time, the playground, museum, playdates with friends,  hiking, etc. Depending on the day, I may go for a run with Ava in the jogging stroller or a bike ride with her in the bike trailer.

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1pm till 2pm - Head home for lunch. Sometimes I pack a lunch and we eat while we are out. But if we don't eat out, we eat whatever is at home. Usually, something is always cooked, but if it is not, i'll make smoothies, or veggie burgers and fries, something simple.

2pm till 3:30/4 - Quiet Time. She may be tired from being out the house and will sleep about 2 hours. If she doesn't sleep, she will play in her room with books in her bed. I'll start on dinner if we aren't having leftovers. I may also watch YouTube, catch up on my trash TV, work on pictures and posts for my blog. Depending on the day, I may workout.

4pm till 5:30- Ava wakes up. We may do some arts and crafts, finish up school,  go to the playground if we didn't go in the morning, or this is when she likes to play with her toys. I play with her a lot during this time.

6pm till 8pm - Dinner, bath, bedtime stories, and Ava's bedtime.

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8pm till 9pm - I'll clean up if needed, then I crawl in the bed to read a book. I have always been a sleepy head (ask my friends) so I am usually knocked out by 9pm lol.

And we wake up and do it all again the next day! So here is what this SAHM does all day lol. I'm in mommy mode during the week and I am luckily able to get a break on the weekends (thanks mom!). What does your mom routine look like? Let me know in the comments! Until next time!

April K.
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