Mom friends, how many of us have them?! Since becoming a stay at home mom, it is hard to get together with my non mom friends. They don't understand working around nap time or having to be near a restroom. They are free on the weekends and I am beat on the weekends! But this is where your mom friends come in, the ladies who understand your daily struggle lol. Here are some tips to find and keep your #MomTribe.
How to FIND mom friends:
- Leave the house! Mom friends aren't going to magically show up at your front door, you have to get out and socialize.
- Spark up conversations at the playground or other kid friendly places. Chances are the moms that are out and about during the day are stay at home moms and you should have an easier time connecting and meeting up with them.
- Join Facebook groups for moms in your area. There are groups for practically groups for everything on Facebook. I have meet some of my best mom friends in Facebook groups.
- Search local hashtags on Instagram. I do this all the time and I follow some wonderful local mommies. Maybe ill have the courage one day to ask them on a playdate!
How to KEEP mom friends:
- Keep in touch! You don't have to call everyday but a text every now and then to check in is great.
- Write down your playdates. It sucks to have a playdate planned and you get stood up, not only for you but your child who wants to see their friend. Write down playdates in your planner or use your phone to keep track.
- Set up mom dates too! I love seeing my mom friends on weekends without the kiddies. Something simple like ice cream or go all out for a moms night out! Either way, it forms a deeper connection that just being moms.